BANABU - Building a New and Better Universe Personal Development Course by Mike Kemski
Let's start by saying BANABU works. I have read a number of classic personal development books and courses and I have found that BANABU is one of the most effective programs out there. The results I have seen from this course both in my own life and that of others who have used BANABU principles has been amazing. This course is not a bunch of the same old stuff - it is new and fresh because it is rooted in the real life experiences of the developer - Mike Kemski.
I purchased this product because I was looking for something I could dive into quickly and not have to wait
until the third or fourth chapter to start seeing some results. I was not looking for a course heavy in theory, rather I wanted something that would meet me where I was in my life and begin to work on removing some mental barriers or limiting beliefs that were keeping me from the next level. And that is exactly what BANABU did for me. I began recommending this program to friends - all at different places in their lives and they all saw some great results. And that is one of the most impressive things about the BANABU system, it is immediately applicable to where ever you are in your development, whether you are wanting a complete life transformation or you are happy in your life and just wanting the next level. Don't bother with any other mega course until you try this one - it is so simple, yet so effective.
The Banabu Home Study Course (all digital products) includes: a getting started video, the Banabu Book (139 page ebook) that outlines the 11 prinicples of Banabu, the Banabu workbook (containing exercises for applying each prinicple), and audios for each of the workbook exercises. Mike has you dive into the principles and supporting exercises immediately so you won't find yourself wondering how this or that applies to your life. The three components are so well integrated that you will gain a true understanding of how these principals are currently at work in your life and better yet, how you can use them to get what you want out of life. I can't really discuss the principles or exercises with too much detail as that would give away the course. But if you do the exercises, you will see some positive change in your life almost immediately.
I decided to focus on 1 principle a day over the course of 11 days - and I saw some change immediately and that just kept going. I found myself actually looking forward to
learning the next principle.
When you purchase the course, there is an option to subscribe to a monthly membership - called the Banabu Boost - an audio cd interview that is mailed out monthly, aimed at keeping you on track and building on the results you achieved with BANABU. At the time of this review, Mike gave you 2 free months free of charge. While I did not keep up the monthly membership, I did come back for me and signed up for his Ultimate Lifestyle in 6 Weeks Teleclass - when BANABU starts working for you, you won't be disappointed in the teleclass.
If nothing else, I highly recommend you download Mike's free report - The Human D-Cell it will give you a great sampling of what Mike and BANAB is all about. Plus you will learn something new and worthwhile for free.